
5 Mar 11 Using Traffic Exchanges To Promote Affiliate Programs

Using Traffic Exchanges To Promote Affiliate ProgramsBy: Daniel Alan .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet If you're unfamiliar with exchanges, you will want to read this over carefully and consider printing it out.One of the best ways in which you can promote affiliate programs is through various traffic exchanges. Almost all well-defined, robust niches on the Internet have some form of traffic exchange. For instance, casinos, gaming sites, niche forums, and Internet marketing sites all have some form of traffic exchangeHockey Jersey
system. IM, in particular, has dozens of exchanges.A traffic exchange can serve multiple functions; however, in most cases, it does two important things:1) It allows you to surf sites, gain credits, and then cash in those credits; and2) It allows you to put banners or dynamically-generated link boxes on your site that will generate credits, which you can then cash in. Cashing in credits, with most exchanges, results in a certain amount of traffic being drive to your site via the exchange site or via banners on other sites that are members of the exchange.A good place to start when working with traffic exchanges is to determine which ones are most reputable and which ones have reasonable point systems. For instance, some traffic exchanges allow users to cheat and some have bad systems of exchange, which heavily favor paying members over non-members. You will want to find the best possible exchange given the amount of money you are willing to spend and the product you are marketing.Once you have selected an optimal exchange, you will want to determine the best way in which you can use it to maximize the amount of high-quality traffic you extract from it.You will want to answer the following questions to aid yourself in determining this: do I earn credits from impressions or clicks? And do I lose credits based on impressions or clicks?This is important to ask, as different exchanges have different policies on this issue. If you lose credits based on impressions, you will want to make sure that you get the absolute largest amount of clicks per impressions. This will involve over-hyping your ads and creating flashy banners (if they allow them).In contrast, if you are getting charged per click, you will want to make sure your ads ONLY appeal to the most interested buyers. Whichever route you take, make sure that it is matched up with a model for maximum revenue generation.The last thing you will want to consider when using a traffic exchange is precisely what you should promote.You already have a product in mind, probably an affiliate product, but how Pittsburgh Penguins jersey
will you promote it?Will you direct visitors to the affiliate page?Will you direct them to a page on your site, which features the product?Or will you direct them to an opt-in form, which will capture their information and then coax them into buying over a period of time?I personally suggest doing the last or the second and avoiding the first whenever possible.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Daniel Alan is the creator of the Perfect Path To Wealth system and an expert at making money online.The Perfect Path To Wealth Affiliate Program is one of the best choices for affiliate marketing offering $33.90 per sale, which is a 75% commission. It is one of the best converting programs around and is free to join.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Daniel AlanRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Penguins jersey
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