
New Internet Marketing Professional Training Toolkit

The Newbies University launched in January 2010 and to date there is a lot of genuine training for Internet Marketing Newbies to learn. Now new Internet marketing professionals have access to a training toolkit that will absolutely provide step by step training.

Thus far the featured links on the training site consists of nfl jersey ebooks, videos, and audios on: Steps to Success; 30 Day Challenge tutorials; Article Submitter; Internet Newbies Ebook Sales System; Internet Newbies Dictionary; Internet Newbies HTML Tutorial; Internet Newbies Marketing Workbook; Internet Profit Guide; Marketing Interview Audios; Motivational Movies; Newbies Social Network; Squeeze Page Generator; Twitter Training for Business; Ultimate Super Tip; Video BootcampVideo Marketing Training; Viral Submission Tool.

The training university consists of pertinent administrative applications that Internet Marketing Professionals need as they are conducting business online. Just to name a few of the applications lets start with the affiliate program.

1. Affiliate Program
The affiliate program is a great way for members to earn an income while they are learning how to build their business online and offline.

2. Audio / Video Postcards
What better way to communicate with your team than by video and audio postcards. Each member has access to this phenomenal application. Individuals who are building or maintaining a team can easily send out video/audio postcards to keep team members abreast of the key monthly activities. Also, this mode of nfl jerseys communication can be sent to family, friends and potential clients. Its just a great way to communicate.

3. Blogs / Podcasts / Articles
Social networking and social media marketing is a great way to be found by potential customers. Members are allowed to post blogs, podcasts and write articles about their business, thier training or whatever topic they choose. This featured application
is a must have as it will help marketers build content online. Remember content is still King.

4. Calendar
The calendar is available for members to view the key activities that are being presented within the membership organization.

5. Discussion Board Forums
There are hot topics always posted for members in an effort to get members to critically think about certain issues and concerns that may arise as they are marketing and conducting their business online. One topic that had a lot of buzz going on within the discussion forums was the question "Are People More Generally Motivated By PAIN or PLEASURE?" The topics and questions that are posted allow the members to really think about why they are in business and how to keep the proper mindset to stay in business.

6. Private Messaging
Private messages can be sent via text, audio and or video. It really depends on how the member wants to contact other members within the organization.

7. Member Webpages
Each member has the capability of nfl jerseys building their very own webpage. The webpage is used so that each member can customize and personalize their webpages which allows members to differentiate themselves from others. Plus, the webpages have proven to be great marketing tools to attract individuals to members primary businesses.

In conclusion the Newbies University was created to serve as a training site to show new and or unsuccessful Internet Marketers how to make money online, how to get access to Internet marketing resources, tools and training.

