
admonished His disciples to, “lay up for themselves treasures in heaven” (Mt. 6:19–21).The Lion Hunt (Na 2:11–13)David Dorsey,

also depicts the Assyrian warriors as roaring lions (Is 5:29) and Yahweh as a lion who will tear up His prey and carry it off to His lair (Hos 5:14, 15; 13:7, 8; Johnston 2001:294, 295).Ashurbanipal pouring out a libation on the lions (left) and Ashurbanipal holding a lion by the tail during a lion hunt. Note the defacement of the tail on the right.From the palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh, now in the British Museum.According to Ashurbanipal’s annals, at the beginning of his reign, two deities, Adad and Ea, blessed the land of Assyria with plenty of rain. This rain caused the forests to thrive and the reeds in the marshes to flourish. This blessing resulted in a population explosion among the lions. They exerted their influence in the hills and on the plain by attacking herds of cattle, flocks of sheep and people. Many were killed (Luckenbill 1989, 2:363, ¶ 935). Ashurbanipal II, following in the footsteps of his predecessors, took charge of the lion hunts in order to control the lion population (Luckenbill 1989, 2:392, ¶ 1025).Ashurbanipal also engaged in lion hunting as a sport. Apparently lions were captured alive and put in cages in the king’s garden in Nineveh and used for staged lion hunts (Weissert 1997:339–58). One relief that was found in Ashurbanipal’s palace at Nineveh, apparently from a second floor, had three panels depicting a lion hunt. On the top panel, a lion is released from a cage and Ashurbanipal is shooting him with arrows. The central panel is interesting because it shows the bravery of the king. On the right side of the panel, soldiers are distracting a lion. On the left side, Ashurbanipal sneaks up and grabs the lion by the tail as he rears to his hind legs. The inscription above says,I, Ashurbanipal, king of the universe, king of Assyria, in my lordly sport, I seized a lion of the plain by his tail and at the command of Urta, Nergal, the gods, my allies, I smashed his skull with the club of my hand (Luckenbill 1989, 2:391, ¶ 1023).The king attributes his bravery to the deities. Dr. J. E. Reade, one of the keepers of the Western Asiatic Antiquities at the British Museum, has observed,It is notable that much of the lion’s tail has been chipped away, so that the lion had been, as it were, set loose; this defacement was probably the action, at once humorous and symbolic, of some enemy soldier busy ransacking the palace in 612 B.C. (Curtis and Reade 1995:87).On the lower panel, Ashurbanipal is pouring out a wine libation over the carcasses of four lions. In the inscription above, the king boasts of his power by saying,I, Ashurbanipal, king of the universe, king of Assyria, whom Assur and Ninlil have endowed with surpassing might. The lions which I slew, the terrible bow of Ishtar, lady of battle, I aimed at them. I brought an offering, I poured out wine over them (Luckenbill 1989, 2:392, ¶ 1021).Once again the king attributes his mighty power to the gods, in this case Assur and Ninlil.In contrast, Ashurbanipal boasts that kings and lions are powerless before him. At the beginning of one of his annals (Cylinder F) he states,Among men, kings, and among the beasts, lions (?)

were powerless before my bow, I know (the art) of waging battle and combat...
A valiant hero, beloved of Assur and Ishtar, of royal lineage, am I (Luckenbill 1989, 2:347, ¶ 896).Dead bodies of the Assyrian enemies (left).The top body has its eyes being plucked out by a vulture, while the bottom body is beheaded. Assyrians forcing their enemies to grind the bones of their dead ancestors (right).Ashurbanipal has tied his lion hunting and military conquests together in one statement.In the vision of Nahum concerning Nineveh, Nahum asks a rhetorical question,Where is the dwelling of the lions, and the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion walked, the lioness and lion’s cub, and no one made them afraid? (2:11).He sees Nineveh as a lions’ den that has been destroyed and the lions are gone. The “prey” in verse 12 is apparently the booty that the Assyrians have taken from all the cities they conquered in recent memory.In verse 13, the LORD states directly,Behold, I am against you. I will burn your chariots in smoke, and the sword shall devour your young lions; I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the voice of your messenger shall be heard no more.The phrase “the sword shall devour your young lions” draws our attention to another relief showing Ashurbanipal thrusting a sword through a lion. The inscription associated with this relief says,I, Ashurbanipal, king of the universe, king of Assyria, in my lordly sport, they let a fierce lion of the plain out of the cage and on foot...I stabbed him later with my iron girdle dagger and he died (Luckenbill 1989, 2:392, ¶ 1024).The book of Nahum sets forth an ironic reversal of the Assyrian usage of the lion motif. Gordon Johnston has observed.The extended lion metaphor in Nahum 2:11–13 includes the two major varieties of the Neo-Assyrian lion motif: the depiction of the Assyrian king and his warriors as mighty lions, and the royal lion hunt theme. While the Assyrians kept these two motifs separate, Nahum dovetailed the two, but in doing so he also reversed their original significance. While the Assyrian warriors loved to depict themselves as mighty lions hunting their prey, Nahum pictured them as lions that would be hunted down. The Assyrian kings also boasted that they were mighty hunters in royal lion hunts; Nahum pictured them as the lions being hunted in the lion hunt. By these reversals Nahum created an unexpected twist on Assyrian usage. According to Nahum the Assyrians were like lions, to be sure; however, not in the way that they depicted themselves; rather than being like lions on the prowl for prey, the hunters would become the hunted! (2001:304).Ashurbanipal stabbing a lion with his sword.Nahum was keenly aware of the culture that he was writing to and was able to effectively use it to convey a powerful message from the LORD.Nineveh, a Bloody City (Na 3:1)Nahum pronounces: “woe to the bloody city (of Nineveh)” (3:1). The city and the Assyrian Empire had a well-earned reputation for being bloody. Just a casual glance at the reliefs from the palaces of Sennacherib and Ashurbanipal shows the “gory and bloodcurdling history as we know it” (Bleibtreu. 1991:52). There are reliefs with people being impaled, decapitated, flayed, and tongues pulled out. Other reliefs show the Assyrians making people grind the bones of their dead ancestors, and even vultures plucking out the eyes of the dead!One panel graphically shows their disrespect for human life. On it, a commander is presenting a bracelet to an Assyrian soldier who had decapitated the five or six heads at his feet. There are two scribes behind him recording the event. This bracelet, perhaps a medal of valor, is worth five or six lives! In Assyrian thinking, life was cheap.Countless Corpses (Na 3:3)There is an old adage that says, “What goes around, comes around.” The Bible would use an agricultural metaphor, “You reap what you sow” (cf. Gal 6:7). This is true in the geo-political realm as well as the personal realm. The Assyrians, over their long history, were brutal and barbaric people. Yet learn french

narratives of Joshua and Judges: the defeat of cities (Josh 11:12; Judg 11:33), the extermination of peoples (Josh 11:20), and the acquisition of land

the service of Moses and Joshua. In the introduction to the king list, a common type of record kept by Ancient Near Eastern (hereafter ANE) conquerors, the text notes that “these are the kings of the land, whom the sons of Israel killed, and whose land they possessed” (Josh 12:1). For the biblical writer of Joshua, the smiting of a king is inextricably bound to the acquisition and possession of his land. Should the writer of Judges be expected to depart from this standard? Surely the territorial land controlled by Hazor was the prize that Israel won, and it could not have been acquired without “military action against Hazor itself.”Thus Wood is exactly correct when stating, “The destruction of Jabin implies the destruction of his capital city Hazor,”[22] unless one were to theorize that the Israelites somehow frightened the entire city’s population into fleeing in panic, never to return. Undoubtedly, Hoffmeier’s aversion to this reality is due to his need to reconcile the archaeological remains at Hazor with the late-Exodus theory, since a destruction under Deborah and Barak would require the archaeology of Hazor to reveal two later destructions—one at the end of the Late Bronze Age, and a subsequent one before the first Israelite occupation—if this theory were to remain credible. Yet as the spade has shown, Hazor—after the destruction of the final Bronze Age city in a massive conflagration—remained completely abandoned until the initial Israelite settlement of the 12th century BC.As for the destruction under Joshua, Josh 11:11 clearly states that “he [Joshua] burned the city [of Hazor] with fire.” Most archaeologists who accept the historicity of the biblical account thus link the massive conflagration of the final Late Bronze Age city of Hazor to the fiery destruction accomplished under Joshua. Moreover, they commonly connect the later story of the seemingly independent defeat of Hazor’s King Jabin, which is recorded in Judges 4, to the destruction described in Joshua 11. Yadin betrays his commitment to this conclusion when he notes that “[t]he narrative in the Book of Joshua is therefore the true historical nucleus, while the mention of Jabin in Judges 4 must have been a later editorial interpolation.”[23] Therefore, at least according to Hazor’s principal excavator, only one Israelite destruction by fire is commonly theorized.[24]However, the picture painted in the biblical text does not allow for such a link between the great conflagration described in Joshua 11 and the destruction of the Late Bronze IIB (ca. 1300–1200 BC) city of Hazor. As biblical chronologist Rodger Young firmly established, 1446 BC is the correct year of the Exodus,[25] and as the present writer demonstrated elsewhere, the Exodus can be dated even more precisely to 25 April, 1446 BC.[26] Thus, the conquest of the Promised Land began in 1406 BC, 40 years after the Exodus (Num 32:13).III. TEXTUAL OBJECTIONS TO JOSHUA 11 AND JUDGES 4 DESCRIBING THE SAME ATTACK1. The Lengthy Gap between Narratives. The first textual objection to the theory that Joshua 11 and Judges 4 describe the same attack is that a large and undeniable gap in time separates the two narratives. The destruction of Hazor under Joshua transpired in ca. 1400 BC, given that the conquest of Canaan—to the extent that it actually was carried out as divinely outlined—required six years to complete.[27] With this date secured, the account of Hazor’s demise in Judges 4 must be dated, even if only approximately, because unquestionably the dating of the period of the judges is one of the most intriguing challenges related to biblical chronology.To begin the determination of the dating, Joshua seemingly died in ca. 1384 BC, and the Israelites’ faithfulness to God extended only to the time of the deaths of the elders who survived him (Josh 24:29, 31).[28] Given that the exact survival-span of these faithful elders cannot be quantified precisely, this period will not be included in the measurement of time between Joshua’s death and the victory over Hazor’s king during the days of Deborah and Barak (Judg 4:24).[29] Assuming that the unfaithful, subsequent generation began immediately after the deaths of the elders of Joshua’s generation who outlived him, the first chronological reference is to eight years of oppression (Judg 3:8), followed by 40 years of rest (Judg 3:11).A second oppression, this one of 18 years (Judg 3:14), was followed by 80 years of rest (Judg 3:30). A third oppression and period of rest, related to Shamgar (Judg 3:31), is not documented as to its duration. This undefined number also may be ignored safely for the purpose of the present study. The final number necessary is 20 years (Judg 4:3) for the period of oppression under “Jabin, King of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor” (Judg 4:1). When all of these numbers are added, the total comes to 166 years. The imprecision of this length of time, already obvious from the above discussion, is further complicated by how the required length of the period of the judges—which totals 341 years, if using Joshua’s death (ca. 1384 BC) for its inception, and the conservative date of ca. 1043 BC for the start of Saul’s reign—does not match evenly with the 410 years derived when adding together all of the years of oppression and rest that transpired throughout the narrative of Judges.[30]This apparent contradiction is resolved simply by understanding that the oppressions and periods of rest, which transpired throughout Israel and at various times, did not run consecutively but concurrently (i.e. with unspecified overlaps).[31] However, another problem arises: the 166 years must be both lengthened by the undefined years of the faithful generation that survived Joshua and by Shamgar’s judgeship, and shortened by the unspecified overlapping of the judgeships. Assuming that the adjustment for the overlapping of the judgeships is somewhat lengthier, 150 years may be used as a rough number for the time between Joshua’s death and the events of Judges 4. This would mean that the latter event occurred in ca. 1234 BC, which matches well with Yadin’s dating of the destruction of the final Bronze Age city. Because the Hazor of Joshua 11 was destroyed in ca. 1400 BC, in this scenario the difference between the two destructions of Hazor would be ca. 166 years.[32] Thus with such a lengthy interval between the events of these two narratives, the demises of Hazor in Joshua 11 and Judges 4 are chronologically far too distant from one another to be fused into a single event.2. The Identification of “Jabin” as a Dynastic Title. The second textual objection to the theory that Joshua 11 and Judges 4 record the same attack on Hazor is that the name “Jabin, King of Hazor” in these independent narratives does not refer to the same king. Yadin asks, “If Joshua, who lived before Deborah, had already destroyed Hazor and killed Jabin, how is it possible that (at least) several decades later, Jabin was still alive and his commander in chief engaged in battle as far away from

Hazor as the valley of Megiddo?
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The Tablet Theory of Genesis Authorship

Tags: JEDP, Genesis, Moses, Tablet Theory, Toledot, Pentateuch, PJ Wiseman--> This article was published in the Winter 1994 issue of Bible and Spade.Many pastors, writers, and even seminary professors rely on the “JEDP Documentary Hypothesis” to explain how the book of Genesis was originally written. This concept says that for many centuries the stories were passed down orally, usually with embellishments or deletions, and were not committed to writing until much later than the events they describe. Naturally, this idea doesn’t tend to inspire confidence in the literal accuracy of the account. Thus it’s favored by theologians of a liberal bent.In contrast, the “Tablet Theory” suggests that portions of Genesis were originally written on clay tablets by men who personally experienced the events described. The tablets were later compiled by Moses. Since the original writers were said to be eye-witnesses, their accounts should be historically accurate. This article briefly describes the development and implications of these two theories.Who Wrote Genesis?We’ll assume that most “good conservative Christians” probably agree that the Bible, at least in its original manuscript, was inspired by God, and is truth. The mechanics of this inspiration have been debated by many scholars, and we won’t go into them in this chapter, except to say that the basis for our belief that the Bible is the true and inspired Word of God lies in this work of the Holy Spirit of God, not the personal knowledge of the human writers. The Bible is not just an ancient piece of human literature.Having said that, the question that remains is “Who were the human authors? How did they know what to write? How did the little historical details get preserved?” Here we’ll restrict our discussion to the book of Genesis, which is the one most often criticised.The first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are collectively called the Books of the Law, or the Torah, or the Books of Moses. Those last four books have many verses that attribute them directly to Moses. But he’s not even mentioned anywhere in the book of Genesis. Why is this?We’ll try to show in this little chapter that there’s considerable internal evidence, and some archaeological evidence, that Genesis was actually first written in sections, most likely on clay tablets, by a number of different men who were eye-witnesses to the actions described. These men signed their names at the bottom of their respective tablets, and later Moses compiled these tablets into what we call the “book of Genesis.”Why Religious Liberalism?Why did so many theologians become critical of Biblical truth? Do they have any scientific basis for their doubts? Not really. Doubting criticism started on a large scale with G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831), a German philosopher who taught that religion, like the rest of civilization, developed gradually. He said that primitive “cave-men” began a polytheistic worship of the things around them. Later, he said, higher concepts such as a supreme God evolved in people’s minds.A quasi-scientific basis for retreat from Biblical authority took root when, in 1830, Charles Lyell published “Principles of Geology,” which first described the so-called “Geologic Column.” Here the age of a rock stratum was supposedly given by the types of fossils which it contains. This idea set the stage for Charles Darwin’s publication, in 1859, of his famous “Origin of Species.” His organic evolution theory captured the imagination of most scientists.There is no real technical basis for not believing the Bible as it was written. Nowhere does the Biblical text mention anything that implies evolution, nor is there any Biblical incident that’s been proven definitely wrong. The only reason to doubt the clear text of the Bible is an attempt to compromise with secularism, and its rejection of God. But most evolutionist scientists object just as much to theistic evolution as they do to miraculous creation. And most theologians don’t really understand the principles of evolution—they don’t realize that you can’t just shove God into the secular theory. This compromise attempt doesn’t really work, and it’s a dangerous path to follow.The Documentary HypothesisThese theories all influenced Hegel’s student, the theologian K.H. Graf (1815-1868), and his student Julius Wellhausen (1844-1918). From an idea first proposed by Jean Astruc (1684-1766) they developed the “JEDP Documentary Hypothesis” of higher criticism, which said that the early parts of the Old Testament couldn’t have been written during the times they described.They based this on the belief that writing had not evolved until about 1000 BC.Therefore they assumed wrongly that sagas, epics, poetry etc. which were later used to compile the Bible were passed down orally for millenia.The result was that the early books of the Bible were said to have been written by various unknown teachers during the Divided Kingdom era, beginning about 800 BC, and continued until after the Babylonian Exile.These books are said to have been compiled or redacted from several stories, or documents, each of which could be distinguished by the name used for God. The J-Document used the name Jehovah, the E-Document used Elohim, while the D and P documents were named for Deuteronomic and Priestly. This teaching led many people to lose confidence in the Bible’s authenticity.Archaeological DiscoveriesDid Hegel, Graf, Wellhausen, etc. have any good basis for their JEDP theory? No, there has never been any trace of the “documents” they refer to (Jehovist, Elohist, Deuteronomic, and Priestly), and even in their day there had been some good archaeological finds that contradicted the very basis of their theory— that early writing was unknown. More recently, scholars and archaeologists have uncovered excellent proofs of the truth of the Bible’s historicity.There have been complete libraries uncovered, and enough translations made to confirm Biblical events described in the lives of the patriarchs. Several of these libraries date from long before Abraham’s time. Excavations at Ebla, Mari, and Nuzi have all yielded much confirmation of Old Testament history. The Mari archives contained actual names used in the Bible—Peleg, Terah, Abram, Jacob, Laban, and others. These cannot be linked directly with Biblical characters, but they do show that these names were in use in those early days. The Nuzi archive had some 20,000 clay tablets; many were legal documents describing laws and customs of the land. These explain a number of Biblical incidents that used to seem strange to us, but they were simply the normal customs of that era.The Tablet TheoryDuring his tour of duty in Mesopotamia, where much of the earliest Bible activity took place, Air Commodore P.J. Wiseman became interested in the archaeology of that area, and especially in the many ancient clay tablets that had been dated to long before the time of Abraham. He recognized that they held the key to the original writings of the early Bible, and especially to the Book of Genesis. He published his book in 1936. More recently his son, Professor of Assyriology D.J. Wiseman, updated and revised his father’s book: P.J. Wiseman, “Ancient Records and the Structure of Genesis” (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1985)He found that most of the old clay tablets had “colophon phrases” at the end; these named the writer or owner of the tablet; they had words to identify the subject, and often some sort of dating phrase. If multiple tablets were involved, there were also “catch-lines” to connect a tablet to its next in sequence. Many of these old records related to family histories and origins, which were evidently highly important to those ancient people. Wiseman noticed the similarity of many of these to the sections of the book of Genesis.Many scholars have noticed that Genesis is divided into sections, separated by phrases that are translated &ldquo.

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10 Mar 11 Tax Continuing Education And The New Healthcare Rules

Tax Continuing Education And The New Healthcare RulesBy: Sawyer Adams .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes changes in the delivery of health insurance and several new ine tax provisions. The implementation of these new rules over several years is a major focus oftax continuing education for Enrolled Agents and other tax professionals.Coverage ChangesStarting in 2010, an adult child up to age 26 who is unable to obtain health insurance from an employer may remain covered by the employer plan of a parent. This replaces the mon insurance pany provision of not covering any child who reaches age 19 and is not a full time student.Tax CPE courses address how this provision may affect claiming older children as dependents.Also new for 2010 is a provision that health insurance coverage for children cannot be denied solely because of pre-existing health conditions. In addition, health insurance coverage for anyone can no longer be terminated as a consequence of illness.Policy maximums have also been eliminated beginning in 2010. Insurance panies are barred from instituting lifetime caps on coverage.Starting in 2014, insurance panies cannot deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. This provision requires a pooling of risk involving mandatory coverage for everyone. Failure to obtain coverage beginning in 2014 will incur fines based upon individual ines. Financial assistance will bee available for families earning up to $88,200 per year. State operated insurance exchanges in 2014 will provide coverage options in addition to private insurers.For those who have been denied coverage in 2010 due to pre-existing conditions, coverage is available through state-operated high-risk pools. The maximum out-of-pocket cost under this coverage is $5,950 for individuals and $11,900 for families.Starting in 2010, Medicare beneficiaries no longer have out-of-pocket cost for preventative care such as physical exams, testing for treatable conditions, and laboratory work. In addition, the federal government will send $250 to those covered by Medicare to cover prescription drug costs not currently covered by Medicare Part D.However, those with annual ines of $85,000 ($170,000 on joint returns) incur a reduced prescription drug subsidy in 2010. In addition, government subsidies for Medicare Advantage plans are being reduced so those covered by such programs face higher premiums. To assist in tax return preparation, aregistered tax agent must inquire about whether clients received their $250 checks.Tax ProvisionsContinuing professional education (CPE) has several areas to address relating to changing health care rules.Tax CPE courses include information on the new tax credits and additional tax assessments.Tax credits are available for individuals who purchase health insurance through a state-operated exchange. The tax credit program begins in 2014, when each state is required to have established an exchange. The premium assistance credit is available for households with ines between 100 percent and 400 percent of the annual poverty level. Upon enrollment, individuals will report ine to the exchange. A premium assistance credit is then calculated and paid by the federal government to the state. The insured individual then pays the difference between the premium and the credit.Individuals who fail to maintain health insurance coverage in 2014 will be subject to tax penalties. Tax professionals will learn in their CPEethics course that, beginning in 2014, an employer with at least 50 full-time employees during the preceding year must offer all full-time employees and their dependents minimum essential coverage under an employer-sponsored plan. Failure to meet this requirement results in a fine for the employer if any eligible employee enrolls in coverage under a state exchange for which a premium tax credit is allowed to the employee.To assure coverage exists from employer-provided plans, annual W-2 reporting beginning for the 2011 tax year requires disclosure of the value of each employee's health insurance provided by the employer.Small businesses with fewer than 25 employees and average wages of less than $40,000 are eligible for tax credits beginning in 2010. The credit is up to 50 percent of employer contributions for health insurance premiums. Employers with fewer than 10 employees and average wages of less than $20,000 receive a 100 percent credit. Wages paid to five-percent owners of a business (or 2 percent of S corporation shareholders) are excluded from the average calculation.In addition, business are required beginning in 2012 to report on Form 1099 all payments aggregating $600 or more in a calendar year to a single payee, including corporations (other than a payee that is a tax-exempt corporation).For 2010, the maximum adoption credit is increased to $13,170 per eligible child. This increase applies to both non-special needs adoptions and special needs adoptions. Also, the adoption credit is made refundable. The new dollar limit and phase-out of the adoption credit are adjusted for inflation in tax years beginning in 2011.The tax on distributions from a health savings account (HSA) or an Archer medical savings account (MSA) that are not used for qualified medical expenses is increased to 20 percent, effective in 2011.Continuing education tax deductible topics include a new threshold for itemized medical expenses. Beginning in 2013, the threshold is increased to 10 percent of adjusted gross ine. The present threshold is 7.5 percent of AGI.Also beginning in 2013, a new Medicare tax is effective for taxpayers with ine of $200,000 or more ($250,000 for joint tax returns). This is a major change that is being addressed intax continuing education. The tax is 3.8 percent of the lesser of investment ine or a modified adjusted gross ine calculation. For self-employed taxpayers, the same additional Medicare contribution applies to the Medicare ponent of the self-employment tax on ine in excess of the threshold amount.In 2014, flexible spending accounts (FSAs) will have lower contribution limits. The new maximum amount allowed will be $2,500. In addition, fewer expenses will qualify for FSA spending. For example, an FSA withdrawal will no longer be available to cover the cost of over-the-counter drugs.However, employees may use a cafeteria plan for paying premiums under a health care plan offered through a state-operated exchange. This affects employees who receive group coverage through an exchange option provided by their employer plus have cafeteria plans. This provision is also effective beginning in 2014.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryFast Forward Academy is a leading publisher of enrolled agent cpe and continuing education for tax professionals. Access to free ea cpe is available on their website.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Sawyer AdamsRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Auditing via RSS!Additional Articles From - Home Accounting AuditingWhat you need to know about Auditing from the experts.- By : john newportCulture and business proposition- By : foxhatsNavigating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions- By : Sawyer AdamsAbout The National Association Of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)- By : Sawyer AdamsThe History Of Enrolled Agents- By : Sawyer AdamsThe Canon Sd780is Black Silver Gold Red - Very Nice Christmas Gift- By : ArticleSubmit AutoIRS Increasing Enforcement Activity- By : Sawyer AdamsDestination Military Surplus Products- By : Ali Khan5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs- By : danica12 Quick Tips For Eye Shadow- By : Ali Khan Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!


5 Mar 11 Using Traffic Exchanges To Promote Affiliate Programs

Using Traffic Exchanges To Promote Affiliate ProgramsBy: Daniel Alan .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet If you're unfamiliar with exchanges, you will want to read this over carefully and consider printing it out.One of the best ways in which you can promote affiliate programs is through various traffic exchanges. Almost all well-defined, robust niches on the Internet have some form of traffic exchange. For instance, casinos, gaming sites, niche forums, and Internet marketing sites all have some form of traffic exchangeHockey Jersey
system. IM, in particular, has dozens of exchanges.A traffic exchange can serve multiple functions; however, in most cases, it does two important things:1) It allows you to surf sites, gain credits, and then cash in those credits; and2) It allows you to put banners or dynamically-generated link boxes on your site that will generate credits, which you can then cash in. Cashing in credits, with most exchanges, results in a certain amount of traffic being drive to your site via the exchange site or via banners on other sites that are members of the exchange.A good place to start when working with traffic exchanges is to determine which ones are most reputable and which ones have reasonable point systems. For instance, some traffic exchanges allow users to cheat and some have bad systems of exchange, which heavily favor paying members over non-members. You will want to find the best possible exchange given the amount of money you are willing to spend and the product you are marketing.Once you have selected an optimal exchange, you will want to determine the best way in which you can use it to maximize the amount of high-quality traffic you extract from it.You will want to answer the following questions to aid yourself in determining this: do I earn credits from impressions or clicks? And do I lose credits based on impressions or clicks?This is important to ask, as different exchanges have different policies on this issue. If you lose credits based on impressions, you will want to make sure that you get the absolute largest amount of clicks per impressions. This will involve over-hyping your ads and creating flashy banners (if they allow them).In contrast, if you are getting charged per click, you will want to make sure your ads ONLY appeal to the most interested buyers. Whichever route you take, make sure that it is matched up with a model for maximum revenue generation.The last thing you will want to consider when using a traffic exchange is precisely what you should promote.You already have a product in mind, probably an affiliate product, but how Pittsburgh Penguins jersey
will you promote it?Will you direct visitors to the affiliate page?Will you direct them to a page on your site, which features the product?Or will you direct them to an opt-in form, which will capture their information and then coax them into buying over a period of time?I personally suggest doing the last or the second and avoiding the first whenever possible.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Daniel Alan is the creator of the Perfect Path To Wealth system and an expert at making money online.The Perfect Path To Wealth Affiliate Program is one of the best choices for affiliate marketing offering $33.90 per sale, which is a 75% commission. It is one of the best converting programs around and is free to join.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Daniel AlanRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Penguins jersey
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24 Jan 11 Washington State-UCLA: Bruins to Win Big After Last Week's Upset

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesThis Saturday the UCLA Bruins will try to avoid a major letdown when they host the Washington State Cougars.After starting the season 0-2, the Bruins have knocked off two Top 25 teams, including a major upset over then-No. 7 Texas last week.The Cougars come in on a Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
two-game losing streak and were crushed last week at home by USC 50-16.If you are thinking about betting on the game this weekend, the current college football odds have the Bruins favored by 27 points over the Cougars at home.Washington State (1-3, 0-1 Pac-10)The Cougars have not looked good at all to start the season. Outside of a 23-22 win over Montana State, the Cougars haveneven came close to pulling out a win. Last week against the Trojans the Cougars fell behind 28-13 by the end of the first half, and the game was all but over.Quarterback Jake Tuel is pretty much all the offense the Cougars have, as he threw for 222 yards and a touchdown and led the Cougars with 26 yards on the ground. Tuel, however, did have three interceptions in the game, including one that was returned 25 yards for a score.As bad as the offense has been this season, the defense has been even worse, as they canstop anyone from moving the football on them. Last week the Trojans piled up 613 yards of total offense and were an impressive 8-for-12 on third down conversions. The Cougars are allowing 43 points a game this season, and I think they are going to have a hard time keeping the Bruins offense under that this week.UCLA (2-2, 0-1 Pac-10)I am really impressed with the way head coach Rick Neuheisel has gotten his team to respond after a tough loss to open the season on the road against Kansas State and then being absolutely dominated by Stanford in Week 2, 35-0.The Bruins came back with an impressive 31-13 Reebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
win over a very good Houston team, and then last week they stunned everyone by going on the road and beating up on Texas 34-12.The Bruins look like they have the pistol formation all figured out, as they ran all over the Longhorns last week for 264 yards. Johnathan Franklin ran for 118 yards and a touchdown on 19 carries, Derrick Coleman added another 94 yards and a touchdown on 16 carries, and quarterback Kevin Prince added 50 yards and a touchdown on 13 carries.Price attempted just eight passes all game but completed five of them, including a one-yard pass to Ricky Marvray for the Bruins' first score of the game.The defense played lights out against the Longhorns, as they allowed just one touchdown late in the fourth quarter when the game was all but over. Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
The defense also forced five turnovers against Texas, and that proved to be the deciding factor in this game.Looking at the OddsNo question that 27 points is a lot to ask a team to cover, but as bad as Washington State is this season, I think the Bruins have no trouble winning this game by more than 30. Last year the Bruins went to Washington State and beat the Cougars 43-7, and I see no reason why they cando the same thing at home this weekend. My final score prediction is UCLA 44, Washington State 13.Interested in making some money this college football season? Check out what our expert college football handicappers have to offer in their weekly college football picks.


22 Jan 11 Michigan Football's Plethora of Problems May Have Saved a Coaching Job

Michigan's run defense (Cameron Gordon, Jordan Kovacs) was a bright spot vs. NDJonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesNot long after Michigan barely escaped with a 42-37 win over Massachusetts, it was reported that ESPNMark May called for the ouster of defensive coordinator Greg Robinson.Sure it was a horrible defensiveSan Diego Chargers jersey
performance, especially since there were glimmers of hope during both the Connecticut and Notre Dame games.But donforget, head coach Rich Rodriguez has a ton of problems to deal with, starting with the NCAAinvestigations here and at West Virginia, the difficulty of getting some recruits in school, and the shoddy performances in last yearBig Ten campaign.In more stable years, a coaching change may have been in order.Some blame the defensive problems on defections, some on the system itself, but others see three coordinators in five years as the biggest problem. The loss of Brandon Graham to the NFL and Troy Woolfolk to injury didnhelp either.One thing is for sure: Both players and coaches have owned up to Saturdaydefensive dud. Sophomore linebacker Craig Roh didnmince words.We were terrible on defense, Roh told the Associated Press. We just didnlook like we were prepared to play, and we didnmake adjustments during the game.Granted, this is a young outfit. Consider this: If Michigan was to open next season with the group intact, 10 of the 11 starters San Francisco 49ers jersey
would be back. So without making outlandish changes, tweaking the system might do the trick. Many recommend just simplifying things.Everyone in the stadium can see the shocking coverage lapses in the secondary. Some of the problems are eerily similar to the blown assignments in last seasonIowa game.There are some pretty good athletes on the defense, and seeing them out of position is mystifying. The lack of tackling fundamentals is also puzzling.Coach Rodriguez can finally see his spread option offense clicking on (almost) all cylinders. He's also well aware that Michigan needs all phases of the team to produce if there is any hope for a postseason bowl game.Let's not pretend that were the 1985 Chicago Bears, Rodriguez told reporters after the game. There are a lot of things we need to clean up.Everyone is hoping for Seattle Seahawks jersey
a breather with Bowling Green Saturday so Michigan can not only work on the defense, but also on the offense and special teams. The Wolverines really havenshown much of a power game, but they did tease us in the Notre Dame victory when Stephen Hopkins followed William Campbell into the end zone for a one-yard touchdown.


18 Jan 11 ASU Football: Steven Threet Is the 'Gem' Dennis Erickson and Devil Fans Love

Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesThe Monday before the 2010 season opener against Portland State, fans in the valley of the sun were awaiting Dennis Ericksonquarterback decision. Erickson tabbed Steven Threet, a transfer from Michigan, as his starting quarterback and leader of his new no huddle spread offense. Through Reebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
three games, including one on the road at one of the toughest environments, Steven Threet is the perfect man for the job. That is in no way a hit to back up Brock Osweiler, but Threet has been impressive, not just in terms of numbers, but also with the intangibles that normally go unnoticed. A field general has been desired in Tempe, Threet has command of this offense, and the ears of his troops on the field. The man in the spotlight has to voice the sentiment of his squad. Following the Wisconsin game, Threet expressed his opinion on the near upset versus the Badgers.I donbelieve in moral victories, he said. The Sun Devils played as good of a game as a team can without winning. Thatthe bottom line. ASU still lost, but Threetperformance was impressive, even without a touchdown to his name. In the past couple seasons, the Sun Deviloffense was pathetic to watch, and an intense struggle to score to say the least. Last Saturday against the Wisconsin Badgers, ASUformerly anemic offense pushed one of the Big Tenbest defensive units up and down the field. ASUexecution made the Badgers look like Portland Statedefense in the season opener. Big plays in the running game and audibles by the Threet at the line of scrimmage gave the Sun Devils the upper hand, but in the end it was not enough.I think we have a gem, Dennis Erickson said in regards to Threetperformance against Wisconsin. With yet another big game for ASU this weekend at Sun Devil Stadium, the job does not get any easier for the gem. The Oregon Ducks are the fifth ranked team in the country, and for good reason. Both the Ducks offensive and defensive units are ranked first in the country. Chip Kelly, Oregonhead coach, has engineered the Ducks offense to 189 points in 180 minutes of football.Pretty impressive. The Sun Devil defense is going to have a major test, but for the first time this season, Oregondefense will be tested. Oregon played Tennessee earlier this year, but the Volunteers were no match for the Duckexperienced defensive side. Matt Simms, Tennessee quarterback and son of former New York Giant great Phil Simms, was overwhelmed by the speed and effectiveness of Oregon, and could only manage a 51 percent completion percentage. Against a team as good as Oregon, a number that low will not get it done no matter what your last name is. Steven Threet essentially had his worst game in terms of statistics against Wisconsin, and to describe his effort as anything other than admirable would be silly. Threet completed 64 percent of his passes (21-of-33), for 211 yards and noReebok Pittsburgh Steelers 43 Troy Polamalu Realtree camo Jersey
touchdowns. Sure the touchdowns were not there, but as the story has been, missed opportunities in the end zone were the downfall in Madison.Threet has a 144.80 QB rating on the year, and a number close to that or better is needed this Saturday night versus a team that will be deeply entrenched in BCS Championship talk come December. If the Sun Devils are going to have a shot, the game will be won and lost with the leader at quarterback. Another moral victory will do nothing for the Sun Devils heading into three tough road games. A 2-2 record will be all ASU has to show for their performances. It is time to win, and nobody knows that more than the two faces in the spotlight: Dennis Erickson on the sidelines and Steven Threet in the shotgun running the offense. Behind Threetarm, the offense will have to provide the fireworks to fight punch for punch with the Ducks. There is no doubt that this game is going to be entertaining. Even the ASU brass, Erickson included, has been pushing Sun Devil Nation to come out and fill Sun Devil Stadium. There is no doubt that the fans will get their moneyworth with these two teams playing. The Ducks can put up the points, and this season ASU has done much of the same. Both defenses are top notch, but ASU has struggled with Oregonoption in the past. Although the scores have been one-sided recently, with Oregon claiming the last five games. Arizona State has not beaten Oregon since Dirk Koetter and Andrew Walter were the faces of Sun Devil football. In 2002, Walter completed one of the greatest comebacks and single game performances in Pac-10 history.Do you think Threet will lead ASU to an upset of #5 Oregon?Do you think Threet will lead ASU to an upset of #5 Oregon?Yes46.7%No53.3%Total votes: 75Against the very same Oregon Ducks that ASU will face Saturday night, Walter threw for a school-record 536 yards and four touchdowns, and the Sun Devils rallied from a 21-0 second-quarter deficit to win 45-42. Walter did not just beat the Ducks that day in Autzen, but he managed to accomplish that same feat two more times to end his career perfect against Oregon (3-0). Threet is in a similar mold as Walter, and could be the major difference from a 4-8 team in 2009, and an upper echelon Pac-10 team in 2010. On Saturday night, the Sun Devils will put their team to the test against the best. Can Threet perform his best against the best? After Saturdayperformance at Wisconsin, Threet is in fact the difference for this yearASU team. Threet is the missing puzzle piece from a dismal 2009 team, and a team that was ranked ninth in the preseason poll. Nobody was sure if Threet could do the job, or even keep the job through the season. Three weeks into the season, ASU was back on the national scene last Saturday but came up short against Reebok Green Bay Packers 21 Charles Woodson Realtree camo Jersey
the number 11 team in the nation. Not too bad for a bottom of barrel Pac-10 team, right? ASU dropped another big game, and a loss is all the maroon and gold have to show for it. However, a similar opportunity is in front of them. This Saturday night at home, versus the Ducks is the perfect stage to prove to the naysayers what type of team Arizona State really is. Programs are built on statement games, and ASU has been on the short end of the stick on too many occasions. Steven Threet might just be that performer to make a big-time statement in a big-time game for the Sun Devils.


15 Jan 11 "Rating the St. Louis Rams: Defensive Line" Leonard Little La'Roi Glover

The St. Louis Rams' 2006 defensive line was the flash point for the team's season-long aversion to defense and is the culprit most directly responsible for the unit's two greatest weaknesses: stopping the run and putting pressure (or in this case lack thereof) on the quarterback.The Rams' line saw nearly a complete overhaul in the '06 season, losing tackles Damione Lewis and Ryan Pickett to free agency and mislaying end Anthony Hargrove because he was otherwise engaged at drama camp (demoted and traded for missing practice and refusing to give an explanation).St. Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
Louis' defense not only gave up the second-most rushing yards in the league last year, the unit also allowed a maddening amount of big plays from NFL rushing juggernauts such as Green Bay's Noah Herron and Seattle's Maurice Morris.In the same mold, the D-line was utterly ineffectual (with a lone exception) pressuring the opposing quarterback. Disguising coverages and sending blitzing LBs and DBs should be a normal part of defensive coordinator Jim Haslett's scheme, not a necessity due to the front four being nullified every passing down. QBs had all day to throw against the Rams; and given time like that, even Eli Manning will burn you.Let us grade the starting defenders along the Rams' defensive line from this past season:Leonard Little, DE; Height: 6-3, Weight: 263; Age: 32 The stalwart Little was the lone consistent bright spot for the Rams' D-line. Little added 13 sacks, also singlehandedly preserving the team's win at Green Bay and giving the Rams a chance to beat Seattle in a game they had, at that point, given away. Little proved that he is the type of defender who can change the outcome of a game (a rarity in today's NFL) and was rewarded with a contract extension. For a "small" lineman Little plays the run surprisingly well, although he occasionally gets erased when large blockers can get their hooks in.Stopping the run: BRushing the passer: APrognosis for 2007 should be: Starting LEJimmy Kennedy, NT; Height: 6-4, Weight: 325; Age: 27 The lone first-round draft pick remaining on the line, more due to contract length than winning the battle of Reebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
attrition, Kennedy was given the chance to start at nose tackle to see if he was the future. In a word, no. In three words, not even close.Kennedy played in every game for the Rams last season. However, you wouldn't know it because the announcers seldom, if ever, called his name. Seemingly the latest bust in a long line of DT choices, Kennedy is entering his contract year, and if he ever had anything to prove, the time is next season. Don't hold your breath, Rams fans; it's time to put the Jimmy Kennedy Experiment on hiatus.Stopping the run: D-Rushing the passer: FPrognosis for 2007 should be: Best-case scenario, backup DT seeing occasional time in rotation.La'Roi Glover, DT; Height 6-2, Weight 290; Age: 33 next seasonLet's face it, Glover is not the player he was in New Orleans, and the Rams (over)paid him as if he were. However, the DT is still the player he was in Dallas, which his numbers reflect. Glover flourished in New Orleans and Dallas because he was surrounded by talented players, and the onus was not put upon him to do it all. However, on a Rams team that merely masqueraded as a defense, Glover was simply part of the problem. Glover is too old to shoulder the burden of being the prominent run stopper on the line, but not so old that he cannot be a good, or even excellent, complementary player. His future will parallel what the Rams do in the offseason.Stopping the run: DRushing the passer: CPrognosis for 2007 should be: Whether he is a starter is immaterial; he should play little more than half the snaps per game.Victor Adeyanju, DE; Height: 6-4, Weight: 270; Age: 24For a player who's supposed strength is stopping the run, Adeyanju didn't make a noticeable impact overall in the porous Rams run defense. Adeyanju played reasonably well for a rookie, but the Rams need much more help than what he will bring to the table; and the DE is a major liability in pass-rushing situations. However, Adeyanju showed ability in his first year and will be given time to develop.Stopping the run: DRushing the passer: FPrognosis for Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
2007 should be: Should not start, but he ought to see a lot of time in rotation.The Rams must spend their free agent dollars on the defensive line this offseason. The draft may provide assistance long term, but this team needs help now and can't afford to blow yet another high-round pick on an ineffective DT. The Rams have to fork out the dough this year in free agency to acquire a proven DE to play opposite Little, as well as procuring one, if not two, quality defensive tackle(s). Otherwise, the only thing the Rams will stuff next year is their shot at the playoffs.Did you know th is one of the few national football portals that churns out daily NFL and NCAA coverage during the offseason? Tell your friends about us. (4)


14 Jan 11 Seattle Seahawks "No one should have been surprised by what Ruskell did in draft"

Once again, Tim Ruskell is taking heat for the Seattle Seahawks’ draft. And once again, he probably will prove all of his critics wrong. No one should be surprised that Ruskell ignored conventional wisdom and followed his own evaluations, drafting a guy many had rated as a second-rounder.No one should have Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
been surprised because Ruskell has done it before. In 2005 – Ruskell’s first year as team president -- he drafted center Chris Spencer in the first round even though the Seahawks had a greater need at defensive end. Spencer was considered a bit of a reach but was the highest-rated player on the Seahawks’ board at the time. Then Ruskell traded up in the second round to take linebacker Lofa Tatupu. That was considered a colossal stretch even though Tatupu played a position of extreme need, and Ruskell took a lot of heat for that move. Of course, three Pro Bowls later, Tatupu has more than proven Ruskell right on that pick.By now, everyone should know what Ruskell is looking for when he drafts. He wants players from big schools who were successful against the highest competition and started for at least three years. And he wants high-character players who are intelligent leaders. Ruskell’s MO so far has been to draft the top guy on his board with the first pick and generally go for need with the second selection, even if it costs a little bit. After matching need to value with cornerback Kelly Jennings in 2006, Ruskell traded Seattle’s 2007 first-round pick for receiver Deion Branch and then drafted another cornerback (Josh Wilson) with the second-round choice even though the Seahawks had greater needs at tight end and guard.So, with tight end, guard and defensive tackle the top needs (again) this year, it should have been no surprise to see Ruskell draft defensive end Lawrence Jackson in the first round. Or to move up in the second round again to fillReebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
a need by drafting tight end John Carlson. That’s how Ruskell operates: The guy he really wants at the price he wants followed by the player he really needs even if he has to pay a bit more.This year, Ruskell got as much out of his draft position as he could. The Seahawks traded down from 25th overall and added selections in the fifth and seventh rounds before taking the player they wanted all along. As with his other drafts, Ruskell has been criticized because the player he took was rated lower than a few other players at positions that might have helped. But Ruskell obviously wasn’t sold on defensive tackle Kentwan Balmer or end Phillip Merling, who both were productive for only one year in college. Ruskell also agreed with the prevailing sentiment that no tight end was worth a first-round pick (although the New York Jets drafted Dustin Keller 30th overall, two choices after the Hawks took Jackson). And all of the quality linemen the Seahawks might have drafted were gone by the 21st pick. So the Seahawks dropped down three picks and still got the guy they wanted. It was similar to the move Ruskell made in 2005, when he traded down three spots and took Spencer 26th overall.And just like in 2005, when the Seahawks jumped up to get Tatupu in the second round, the Hawks went up again in that round because they realized they were sitting too low to get Carlson. In 2005, it cost them a fourth-round pick (they sent two to Carolina, but they had received one from Oakland in the first-round trade). This time, the Hawks burned a third-rounder to make sure they filled their biggest need with their highest-rated tight end.Ruskell admitted he hated to let go of the third-round pick because those players tend to carry the most value of any round in the draft (unless a team makes the mistake the Seahawks made in Ruskell’s first year and draft someone like quarterback David Greene). But in his short time as the Seahawks’ top personnel guy, Ruskell has proven he can find the right players in the second round -- Tatupu is among the NFL's top Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
linebackers, and defensive end Darryl Tapp and Wilson both look like up-and-comers.Once again, Ruskell is taking a lot of flak for another unconventional draft. But no one should have been surprised by what he did, and no one should be surprised by what his new players do over the next few years.


13 Jan 11 New Orleans Hornets Buzz: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Chris Graythen/Getty ImagesAs the New Orleans Hornets continue their surge toward the postseason, it becoming more and more clear who they are, and who they are not.After the recent Hilton Armstrong dump, it appears this team as built will both make the playoffs, and keep it core intact. While that certainly good news for this year, fans can help but be concerned going forward.The Good:David West, Emeka Okafor, and Chris Paul are among the best big-three in the league. As they continue to develop their chemistry, the results will get better and better.Marcus Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
Thornton looks great. You can tell he gaining confidence with each passing game. His energy and hustle play a big part in our game plan and it appears as of now that he the steal of the draft, along with DeJuan Blair.Chris Paul has undoubtedly been the leader of the Hornets for some time now, but it only recently that he has started taking the clutch shots. In the past he has deferred to teammates David West or Peja Stojakovic, but now it appears that he considered himself the first option and them more of secondary targets. Paul hasn disappointed, blowing by opponents at will for dozens of lay ups in the waning seconds.Coach Jeff Bower and Tim Floyd appear to know what to do. Sure they are trying some new stuff with lineups, but thus far there haven been too many complaints. Winning tends to quiet the critics.The Bad:The team desperately needs another big man, especially if West, Okafor, or Songaila were to get hurt. As of now, Posey is playing as a small four, which simply won work against bigger, deeper teams. Without any salary cap space to work with it doesn appear help is on the way. It odd to even think this, but Sean Marks will have a huge impact when he returns.Lack of luxury tax space going forward. The Hornets head into next year above the projected luxury tax line, which will again make them sellers instead of buyers in the traditional sense. On the other hand, they will have the valuable expiring contracts of Peja and Morris Peterson, which can be used to acquire players from teams looking to shed salary. Chris Paul is still hurt. It mayReebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
not look like it since he throwing up god-like stat lines, but the evidence is clear. Coming in from the off season he was shooting over 60 percent from the floor. After his injury he closer to 40 percent. Missing jumpers is a clear sign that a player doesn have his legs under him. It unfortunate that the team lost so many games early on. Paul needs rest, but in order to get him some, the team needs win enough games to assure a playoff spot. Without CP3, they tend to lose. The situation is very similar to last year, when the Hornets burned Paul throughout the second half of the season andsimply ran out of steam against a relatively healthy and rested Denver squad.The Ugly:Hornets owner George Shinn had surgery today.

12 Jan 11 NBA Trade Rumor: Utah's Ronnie Brewer To Memphis, Helps Both Teams

Al Bello/Getty ImagesAlthough the talk has died down a touch, there are still rumors that the Memphis Grizzlies will be players as the NBA trading deadline approaches.One of the biggest rumors is that Utah guard/forward Ronnie Brewer will be traded to Memphis. Memphis would send one of their three 2010 New York Giants jersey
first-round picks to Utah. Ryan gave a great summary of this deal from Utah's point of view .The Jazz says that it is looking for a first-round and, potentially, a second pick for Brewer. I like the idea of Brewer for the Grizzlies, but the idea of giving up another pick could be a little steep.But I believe Brewer would help Memphis in four ways:Point guard issue solved? If Brewer got inserted into the starting lineup, it would solve any point guard issues. O.J. Mayo would slide over to the point. Brewer would play 2-guard. I am not sure if Mayo would want to be point guard, but that would allow the five best players on the team to be on the floor at once.Bench depth Sending Conley to the bench, or having Brewer as the sixth man, would dramatically increase the team's back court depth. On a team with almost no depth, any addition would help.Brewer would not take away shots He has not taken more than nine shots in any game in January and so he would would not take shots from Zach Randolph, Rudy Gay, etc.Three first-round draft picks are too much for MemphisLet's be honest, do you really believe that Memphis would pay rookie contracts to three players in one off-season?If they did, you know at least one would be a bust. So, it is better to get a reasonably decent player for one of those picks.One thing that mightNew York Jets jersey
complicate this deal is the playoff race.Utah and Memphis are currently dueling for a playoff spot. So would the Jazz be willing to help one of their competitors? Is their asking price for a player averaging 10 points a game too high?There are some hurdles that will keep this deal from happening. But the Grizzlies can complete this deal and not give up a current player.Utah gets a first-rounder (and maybe more) and Memphis gets a young guard to push for a playoff berth.

12 Jan 11 Kevin Durant: What the Young All-Star Can Teach LeBron James and Dwyane Wade

Kevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesI remember the first time I saw Kevin Durant play at the University of Texas.No one could forget such a stunning first impression. At 6'9,'' with a bothersome 7'5'' wingspan, he could do it all.He posted uptaller defenders, shot over the smaller ones, drove to the hoop for emphatic slams,threaded tightpasses,and even made his free throws at a respectable clip.Durant recorded one of the best freshman seasons in NCAA history.He averaged 26 points and 11 rebounds in 2006. He reached the 30-point mark 20 times and nabbed every major college basketball award and honor en route to leading the Longhorns into March Madness.His four 37-point outings looked effortless. Even in his few clunkers he managed to dazzle spectators.Durant's No. 35 now hangs in the Frank Erwin Center rafters.How many other athletes have been worthy of a jersey retirement after one season?Durant captivatedme throughout his freshman campaign. I am a life-long NBA junkie, and he mademe alsolove college hoops.Special talents can do that, and if he reaches his Washington Monument-high potential, the 's' word will not begin to describe his game.Not close.Thursday night, the Oklahoma City Thunderforwardadded another accolade to his burgeoning resume: NBA All-Star.Durant will join Dirk Nowitzki, Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, and other greats on the Western Conference squad. He will play alongside fellow first-timers Zach Randolph and Deron Williams.Among the two conference rosters, however, two names stand out from the rest. They must make the decision of their careers next summer, and Durant could help them.With apologies to Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade, and LeBron James are on a different level from everyone else in the vaunted 2010 free agent class. Bosh needs to win at least one playoff series before he will ever belong in that tier.Wade and James hold the futures of their franchises in their sweaty, sacredhands.Will James bolt from his home state to become the savior for a desperate Donnie Walsh and his still-loser franchise in New York?How about New Jersey, where the Nets are on the way to the worst record in NBA history? Never mind that ownership still has yet to break ground on that spectacular new arena in Brooklyn.How many times has Bruce Ratner been close to"clearing the last hurdle?"James could also opt to sign with the L.A. Clippers. He would duel with Kobe Bryantevery seasonfor bragging rights in Los Angeles.Nevermind that the Clippers have about 15 championshipbanners worth of catching up to do before they will ever emerge from the Lakers'elephantineshadow.Wade couldglide backto his hometown ofChicago and start alongside an All-Star point guard in Derrick Rose. He would be the best player on the Bulls since you-know-who.Or he too could jump ship for the Tri-state area. Nothing says years of championship contention like a swampor James Dolan.In most instances, Durant would be the advice seeker. Instead, he is in a unique position to offer it, and he should do so when the three players meet in Dallas.They will talk at some point, right? Of course.Of all the options available next summer, staying put might prove the best one.No one can offer Wade and James more money than Miami and Cleveland. No other teams with the cap space or pieces to land the stars could promise title contention.In heading to the Tri-state area James would leave a Cavalier team with a recent Finals appearance for a franchise that hopes to get to that level. New Jersey isn't close to its early-2000s form. New York last appeared on the association's biggest stage with Jeff Van Gundy and a banged-up roster. Patrick Ewing still anchored the squad, injured as he was, against the San Antonio Spurs.New Jersey and New York management can offer the allure ofwinning Larry O'Brien trophies in ahumongous market. All Pat Riley has to do is point to the American Airlines Arena rafters wherea lone2006 banner hangs. Wade should remember the euphoria of that championship run and his Finals MVP.Durant's first All-Star selection should also remind them of something else.When the Sonics departedSeattle after 41 yearsfor the southern comfort of Oklahoma, many wondered if Durant would ever get his due playing in America's heartland.Those who shine brightest do so in New York and L.A., not a cowboy state with its own musical, they said.Oklahoma is where the windcomes sweeping down the plain, not where a high-flyer makes All-Star teams and nets endorsement deals.Durant's inclusion on the West squad should quiet the remaining few who stillbelieve the above garbage.Greatballers can be stars anywhere. No one needstoplay 41 homegames ina famousarena to matter.What Durant told ESPN's Scoop Jackson says it all."I come from a big city [Washington, D.C.]. You can get tired of the tall buildings after a while...People always ask, 'Wouldn't you rather be in Miami or L.A.? I always tell them, 'No.' This place is perfect for me."Shouldn't James' and Wade's big decisions be basketball-related ones?If James throws away the chance to bring Ohio its first pro title since 1964 to play with Jared Jefferies just so he can snag his own 24-hour TV station, he's a loser.I cannot believe he would do this.He does not need to play in New Jersey to call or be friends with rapper Jay-Z. He can visit the Empire State Building anytime he wantsin the offseason.Playing in New York or Chicago will not change howthe sport's fansview Wade and James. Those who watch already know.Do so many executies and hoops analysts revere James because the name on his uniform says "Cavaliers," or because he can score 30 points, grab 10 rebounds, and dish 10 assists against anyone?That, folks, is called a triple-double, and the Cavs' star could shatter the all-time record for thoseif he plays long enough.As fellow B/R colleague Andrew Ungvari also pointed out, James is on pace to pass Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA's all-time leading scorer.A move to Manhattan will not make the absence of championships on James' resume less glaring, nor will it repair his streaky jumpshot or primeval post game.By virtue ofoperating in the country's largest media market, Dolan can utilize resources Dan Gilbert and the rest of Cavs' management will never sniff.Still, the NBA enforces a salary cap and a luxury tax, and with both of those figures expected to decline, the Knicks will not have enough money to fill out a title-worthy roster.Most assume David Lee will leave next summerto pursue more money and a long-term deal. Even if the supporting cast stays, does a lineup of James, Chris Bosh,Jefferies, Eddy Curry, Danilo Gallinari, Lee, Nate Robinson, and Al Harrington scream championship?Teams need selfless role players to succeed in June, and James has Anderson Varejao and a budding youngster in J.J. Hickson among many others. Compare Cleveland and New York on thedeficiency scale, and the Knicks win in a runaway.Will two supreme talents entering their primes want to start over again with a new coach, new system, and new teammates?Wade has said he wants to remain in Miami but only if Riley buys him some viable help.The Hall of Fame coach-turned exec traded for Shaquille O'Neal in 2004, and three years after the Heat made him the third pick in a loaded draft, Wade was celebrating a title.Durant appears to enjoy Oklahoma City. Some of the credit for his All-Star selection should go to GM Sam Presti for making shrewd deals with the future in mind.Thabo Sefolosha has helped the Thunder become one of the NBA's 10 best defensive units. Nenad Krstic has added frontcourt scoring.Presti also drafted Russell Westbrook fourth, when most thought he was a reach at that slot, and netted forward Jeff Green inthe Ray Allentrade.As with Wade and James, what happens next is up to Durant. He must lead his squad to the postseason before anyone of merit will consider him an elite player.Transcendent stars win in the playoffs, and Durant has played zero games in May.If he failsand that seems asunlikely as Marilyn Manson becoming the next Popeno one can cite where he plays as the reason.He lives the good life in OKC. Maybe James and Wade could use another reminder of their peachy situations.Would you turn down $30 million over the life of your nextcontract?James and Durant play to engaged sellout crowds, and Wade sometimes does. The three stars are heroes in their cities. The self-proclaimed King owns Ohio, Wade has a monopoly on Miami, and Durant suits up for the only pro franchise in the state.Durant should not tell them what to do. Not even the NBA's leading scorer since Christmas Dayhas that right.He can, however, recap his story, and it will hold some water.Manythought Thursday night's announcement would never come for Durant. His career would spiral downward in the league's latest cavity, and he would forever be the underrated forward in Oklahoma.Instead, he will play in the greatest exhibition game of them all alongside players he should emulate. Then, after a weekend of grandiose in Dallas, he will resume his leadership role on a surprise playoff hopeful.Few expected Oklahoma City to contend for a spot this year.He will drive to the hoop and slam it, post up defenders and shoot over them. Maybe his defensive intensitywill someday match what he displays nightly on the offensive end.I will watch all of it, not because of where he plays the game, but how.


10 Jan 11 Ellison Should Forget About Warriors, Take the Entrepreneur's Route

Ezra Shaw/Getty ImagesThe NBA would be much better off with a second team in the Bay Area as opposed to continuing to stick with one in a lousy market like Memphis.And that possibility could become a reality by as early as 2012 if Warriors owner Chris Cohan stiff arms a few more of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison proposals to buy the team. While a franchise like Memphis continues to rank last in the league in attendance despite possessing a young team that is on the rise, it is also true that San Jose (the tenth-largest city in the country) only possesses one pro sports Reebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
franchise.Talk of an NBA team potentially coming to San Jose came out of an extraordinarily powerful mouth on Feb. 16 when Oracle CEO and recent America Cup winner Larry Ellison told the USA Today that he has pondered purchasing an NBA team and relocating it to San Jose, but it also hinges on the fact that Cohan continually disregards his interest in buying Golden State (Ellison said that Cohan has rejected the few proposals that he has made over the last several years up to this point).The San Jose Mercury News Tim Kawakami, for one, thinks that the Warriors will be Ellison by no later than this summer, though I am considerably more skeptical.It a win-win situation for Ellison, as it would be tough for a man of his intellect to construct a worst product than Cohan has up to this point if he were to purchase the Warriors. On the other hand, his reputation amongst Steve Jobs and his entrepreneurial peers in Silicon Valley would continue to sky-rocket to Mars if he was to take the riskier route and move another city team to San Jose, before using his savvy business and management skills to craft an NBA Championship team that Cohan has only seen in his imagination.The status and pride that the latter could generate for the ambitious Ellison is why I would go for the riskier play and try to put a team on the floor at Reebok Baltimore Ravens #52 Ray Lewis Realtree camo Jersey
HP Pavilion, as the San Jose "Entrepreneurs" or the like would be his baby from the start just like his Fortune 500 computer software company.Certainly turning the present-day Warriors into an NBA champion would be almost as stunning as a member of the SSU chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon acing his Music 101 midterm, but it wouldn be nearly as impressive as relocating an NBA team, developing a solid fanbase, and winning an NBA title thereafter.And there would be no better American city to attempt to accomplish that in than San Jose.A 17,562-seat arena is already in place (and a nice one at that in the Pavilion), to go along with an estimated city population of more than 1,000,000 people as of 2009 and many pocket-heavy high-tech firms in the city or nearby who would be more than happy to entertain their clients and employees in suites located in San Jose, whereas others are an hour drive away in Oakland or San Francisco.The Sharks have averaged just five seats short of a sellout for all of their 31 home games this year, which is a good sign for how successful an NBA team could be in the South Bay, as a large majority of those fans aren residents of Petaluma. There would be more than a few Warriors fans who would switch allegiances to the team if their product is better, let alone those who would show up for a game when a visiting superstar comes to town.Obviously, there are big hurdles to cross in terms of bringing the Bay Area a second NBA team.Ellison would have to deal with Stern and 30 NBA owners, since one of them would have to be willing to perhaps send his city only NBA team to a far-away destination.That in itself is certainly enough to argue that the more realistic bet is that the Maloof Brothers (whose family owns the Kings) will eventually decide to split their team home games between Reebok Chicago Bears #54 Brian Urlacher Realtree camo Jersey
San Jose and Sacramento.But hopefully San Jose population, sturdy economy, and nice arena will someday bring the Bay Area an extra 41 NBA games, as the South Bay strong support of the Sharks should mean that it will also support a pro basketball franchise.


9 Jan 11 Reggie Miller vs New York Kicks:a Legacy In Retrospect.

The Mamba's first game back from injury was a special one, for?two reasons LA got the win, and Kobe surpassed Reggie Miller on the All Time scoring list. Not only did he pass him but he did it in typical "Miller Time" fashion, knocking down a 3 to tie it then coming right back and hitting with 4.3 seconds left. As honored as I Chicago Bears jersey
felt to be able to witness such a performance, I was perturbed by the lack of respect that was shown to Reggie. With the exception of Mark Jackson the rest of the media vaguely mentioned it as if Kobe passing Reggie was no big deal. So in light of that here's my tribute to one of the best clutch shooters the NBA has ever seen.Reginald Wayne Miller was drafted as the 11th pick in the first round to the Indiana Pacers. For the next 18 years Reggie would go on to entertain the fans of Indiana and?hold hostage the fans of opposing teams in their own arena. Reggie was known for his long bombs in the last second of tight games,he was also known for his fierce competiveness and trash talk.Reggie became my second favorite player behind MJ in the 1994 Eastern Conference Finals against the Knicks, due to his phenomenal shooting performance in Game 5 of the series on June 1, 1994, in which he scored 39 points total and 25 in the fourth quarter of the Pacers' 93-86 victory at MSG. Miller made several long three-pointers during the quarter and engaged in an animated discussion of his ongoing performance with noted Knicks fan Spike Lee, who was seated courtside. The win gave the Pacers a 3-2 series lead over the heavily favored Knicks, but the Pacers eventually?lost the next two games and thus the series.My favorite Reggie Miller perfromance was?Game 1 of the 1995 Eastern Conference semifinals against the Knicks, Miller scored eight points in 8.9 seconds?Reggie hit a three, stole the inbounds pass, dribbled back to the three-point?strike and tied the game with a second three-pointer, the Knicks and there fans were devastated. The Pacers went on to win that series.This next performance was day Reggie broke my heart, May 25, 1998, the Pacers trailed the Chicago two games to one in the series and were behind 94-93 Cincinnati Bengals jersey
in Game 4 at Marquet Square Arena with less than three seconds remaining. Miller caught the inbounds pass from McKey, pushed off Jordan turned and made a game winning three-point shot. I was crushed Reggie was one of my favorite player next to Jordan so I didn't mind him scoring, but not like that. In that possession Reggie showed no mercy and felt no fear in inthe face of the NBA's best player Reggie will to win was clad iron.The Pacers eventually extended the series to a decisive seventh game in Chicago, a game in which the Pacers were leading most of the 4th quarter before finally losing their composure in the final minutes. Thank God??My Bulls took the series and went on to win their sixth and final?ring with Jordan.In Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Semifinals against the 76ers?on May 6, 2000, Reggie and teammate Jalen Rose each scored 40 points a piece becoming the highest scoring?duo in playoff history; in the Pacers' 108-91 victory. The Pacers won that series 4-2 and returned to the Eastern Conference Finals for the fifth time in seven years. This time around they would finally pass the threshhold, defeating their arch-?rivals the new York ?Knicks four games to two. The deciding Game 6 on June 2, 2000 was sealed by Reggie's 34 points, half of which came in the fourth quarter.The Pacers thus advanced to the NBA Finals for the first time in franchise history, facing the the?Lakers who boasted the likes?of the Diesel and the Black Mamba. The Pacers lost the series and the championship four games to two, but Miller put on a shooting clinic?that allowed the Pacers a little breathing room withtheir game?5 win, scoring 25 points in the game. Miller averaged 24.3 points per game for the series.February 10, was a sad day for myself and many Reggie Miller/Indian Pacer fans Cheryl Miller?Reggies Cleveland Browns jersey
older sister reported that her brother had told her the previous day that he would indeed retire. On April 11, in a game against the Raptors, Miller passed "The?Logo" Jerry?West?to move into 12th on the NBA's all-time scoring list.So while the rest of the world may have forgotten the unforgetable basketball displays you have put on over the years I haven't, and I never will. Thank You Reggie!


8 Jan 11 Jordan's Bobcats Continue Winning Ways In Epic Comeback Vs Thunder

Jonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesOK, so this isn't going to be a full fledged article, but I just wanna say, "How about them Bobcats!" The team was down by 19 to a streaking OKC team and potential league MVP candidate, Kevin Durant, and they came back to win by eight tonight going away.This team is for real, this Houston Texans jersey
team has heart and they play hard. They are a team that I'm proud to be a fan of and if they continue playing this way.I would not be surprised to see them not only make the playoffs for the first time, but to advance. The only question is whether they can win on the road.The Bobcats are great at home and improving away from Time Warner Cable Arena, but their overall win/loss record is much much better in Charlotte than when they play out of town. This team has done as much as or more than any other team to improve through fortuitous trades throughoutthe season and they are peaking at the right time.They've also been playing particularly well since Michael Jordan announced his intended purchase of the team (approved and ratified today) and it seems his presence on the bench, alongside players whoIndianapolis Colts jersey
grew up watching and idolizing the best to ever play the game, has helped the team's performance.This is a defensive minded team, this is a gritty team and this is a very very athletic team. The Charlotte Bobcats have finally arrived on the NBA scene and, hopefully, they are here to stay

8 Jan 11 Jordan's Bobcats Continue Winning Ways In Epic Comeback Vs Thunder

Jonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesOK, so this isn't going to be a full fledged article, but I just wanna say, "How about them Bobcats!" The team was down by 19 to a streaking OKC team and potential league MVP candidate, Kevin Durant, and they came back to win by eight tonight going away.This team is for real, this Houston Texans jersey
team has heart and they play hard. They are a team that I'm proud to be a fan of and if they continue playing this way.I would not be surprised to see them not only make the playoffs for the first time, but to advance. The only question is whether they can win on the road.The Bobcats are great at home and improving away from Time Warner Cable Arena, but their overall win/loss record is much much better in Charlotte than when they play out of town. This team has done as much as or more than any other team to improve through fortuitous trades throughoutthe season and they are peaking at the right time.They've also been playing particularly well since Michael Jordan announced his intended purchase of the team (approved and ratified today) and it seems his presence on the bench, alongside players whoIndianapolis Colts jersey
grew up watching and idolizing the best to ever play the game, has helped the team's performance.This is a defensive minded team, this is a gritty team and this is a very very athletic team. The Charlotte Bobcats have finally arrived on the NBA scene and, hopefully, they are here to stay